According to Researchers Opinion Drinking Water Filtration System
Clearly understanding how important the daily of clean water is, each solves this problem in his own way: someone freezes the water to then drink melt, someone boils it and defends it in containers, some are forced to constantly buy five-liter bottles of drinking water. Those who purchase jugs with a replaceable filter patiently wait until it is filled with clean water. Some decided to install a cooler or a hydrogardener water filtration system of flow filters under the sink at home. Let’s try to figure out which way is better to go in order to provide ourselves with clean water. The quality of bottled drinking water It seems the easiest and most convenient way is to buy bottled water. The packaged water offered to consumers today is subdivided into drinking water of the highest and first categories; mineral water is separately isolated. The status of water of the highest category implies the presence of high requirements for products, but can one really be sure of its quality?
Tests showed the following: if there were almost no problems with brands of drinking water of the first category, then among the samples of water of the highest category, violations were recorded in the vast majority of goods. As for mineral water, experts called this category relatively hassle-free. No Pseudomonas regiment, nitrites, nitrates, and toxic elements were found anywhere; nevertheless, increased bacterial contamination was found in three samples. In almost 20% of cases, there was a discrepancy between the properties or categories declared on the labeling – the most common violation is the low total mineralization of drinking water.
According to the research results, in 13 out of 31 samples (43%) of drinking water of the first category, a relatively low level of total mineralization was recorded. However, this category of water does not claim to be useful – it is “enough” for it to be safe. The mineral usefulness of water of the highest category can also not be said in all cases. For example, in some samples, the content of magnesium, calcium or boron that does not correspond to the labeling was found.
Considering that manufacturers openly declare a certain amount of macro- and microelements on the water label, the mismatch with the declared properties is a misleading consumer. As the results of laboratory tests have shown, the quality of bottled water largely depends not so much on the place of origin as on the state of production facilities for its purification and mineralization.
In total, 9 out of 58 samples studied (almost 15.7%) were recognized as high-quality water, 37 samples (63.7%) were named high-quality goods that meet safety requirements. At the same time, serious violations of the current legislation were found in 12 cases (20.6%). Water for coolers Drinking water for coolers causes no less complaints. Firstly, we cannot be sure of its quality, since we do not know in what conditions it is bottled, and whether the required standards for its purification and mineralization are observed at each production site. Secondly, the device of the water supply mechanism in the cooler is such that as the bottle is released it is filled with air from the environment, and with it microorganisms enter the enclosed space of the container. If you do not empty the bottle for a short time, then there will be 1000 times more microorganisms in the water than when installing a polyethylene vessel.